Tag: netherlands

"If We Build It…" Photo Exhibit

Eugene undertook a step toward becoming more bicycle friendly when it installed a two-way bike lane on Alder Street this summer, separating bicycles from moving cars. While the Alder Street cycle track was under construction, 11 University of Oregon students were exploring the home of numerous such cycle tracks – The Netherlands – on a study abroad course.
The course, “Sustainable Bicycle Transportation,” inspired the students to create a photography exhibit to share their experiences and to help facilitate a community conversation about what other bicycle innovations might be possible in the Eugene-Springfield area.

The exhibit, which is free, opens Thursday, Nov. 3, at Humble Beagle, 2435 Hilyard St., from 6-8 p.m. Photos will be on exhibit until Thursday, Nov. 17.

Learning and Sharing With the Dutch

Join us for the start of another great LiveMove Speaker Series. They will be kicking off the year with a social hour and presentation on “Creating a Balanced Transportation System” from Ronald Tamse of the Netherlands.

Tamse is an engineer and city planner for the City of Utrecht. He specializes in traffic education and safety and will focus on discussing three forms of a balanced transportation system:

1) Balance between engineering, education and enforcement.
2) Engineering balance between the use of commercial and residential streets within a bike system.
3) Balance between bikes, walking, transit and driving to give people travel options.

The event will be at the UO Knight Library in “The Browsing Room” (Rm 106) on Thursday, Oct. 20th. Social Hour is from 5:30-6:30pm and his presentation is 6:30-7:30pm. Light hors d’oeuvres will be provided. See you there!