GEARs coordinates rides each week throughout the year. To see the upcoming rides click on this month’s calendar under “Happenings” to the left. Questions? feel free to contact our Ride Director, Bob Lewis by email.
Safe Cycling
We want everyone who joins us on our rides to be safe. We have a Quick Guide to Safe Cycling to help you help us. Don’t know which pace group you should join? You can check out the Speed Groups Quick Guide
Ride Maps and Cue Sheets
We have posted a large selection of rides in a table, where they have been graded and details provided for each. Local Ride Descriptions.
Weather Policy
It is the ride leaders’ responsibility to show up during inclement weather and on rainy days. The ride can be altered or cancelled at that point (at the ride start). If the ride is cancelled by the ride leader, there will not be a sign up sheet; if riders want to proceed, it will no longer be an official GEARs ride. Cancellation of rides, e.g. a ride leader not showing up to the start of the ride, only occurs in obvious snow and ice and extreme cold, heat conditions or adverse air quality; that is, weather in which riding would be dangerous to health and / or safety.
E-Bike Policy
E-Bikes are becoming increasingly present in our riding communities for a variety of reasons and are welcome to join in on GEARs Rides and Events. The Board understands that E-Bikes open more cycling opportunities for those who may not be able to participate otherwise.
E-Bike riders may ride Class I and Class III E-Bikes on all club rides, except for on 18+ Paceline Rides (a specialty ride). E-Bike riders may participate in all other rides, such as on our Leisure, 10 to 12 mph, 13 to 15 mph, 16+, and our Blackberry bRamble Century Rides, unless designated otherwise. We ask that all riders are respectful to their fellow riders. It is not the Ride Leader’s responsibility to know and/or verify the style of any e-bike.
Class I and Class III E-Bikes are permitted on most club rides. They are defined as follows:
- Class I electric bicycle shall mean an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour.
- Class III electric bicycle shall mean an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that provides assistance only when the rider is pedaling, and that ceases to provide assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 28 miles per hour.
Class II electric bicycles and/or ride modified e-bikes would not be allowed on any club ride.
- Class II electric bicycle shall mean an electric bicycle equipped with a motor that may be used exclusively to propel the bicycle and that is not capable of providing assistance when the bicycle reaches the speed of 20 miles per hour.
- Additionally, any E-Bike with aftermarket modifications from factors limits may fall into this category.
Any loss resulting from a collision or other accident incurred by a rider of a Class II or modified e-Bike would not be covered by club insurances and would be a liability/responsibility of the rider.
Area Bicycle Maps
For bicycle maps of the Eugene-Springfield city area look here:
Eugene/Springfield City Area Bicycle Map (2016 version, PDF file) or ask at your local bike shop.
For information on all seventeen Oregon Scenic Bikeways check out https://stateparks.oregon.gov/index.cfm?do=things-to-do.scenic-bikeways
Ride Leaders are the Backbone of our Ride Program
GEARs is very grateful and appreciates those members who volunteer to lead rides. The Club has almost 200 scheduled rides annually and this requires a dedicated group of a ride leaders to make it all happen. No leader, no ride! Members and as well as non-members are welcome to attend rides. All rides are classified according to pace and other characteristics. To pick the ride for your skills and energy level, see the monthly ride schedule. Riders should ride within the pace indicated by the ride leader. If you are unsure of your ability to keep up, choose a slower-paced ride first. All riders must sign a waiver form at the beginning of the ride. You can preview the waiver HERE.
Here’s what you need to ride: a helmet, equipment to fix a flat (tube, patch kit, pump) and enthusiasm for having a fun safe ride. Ride leaders are not responsible for mechanical problems. Never ride with earphones. Pull off and stop when using a cell phone.
If a large group with different ability levels appears for a ride, the ride leader may request a volunteer to lead the faster or slower group of riders. The ride leader will try to keep groups together. Ride single file at the roads edge in town and in high traffic areas. All riders should obey traffic control devices and use bike lanes when appropriate. Many county roads have wide margins outside the fog line that provide a safe riding path. Riders should expect to regroup at the top of significant climbs and other locations at the ride leader’s direction.
GEARs has a no-rider-left-behind policy, trusting that everyone will have a great time, visiting with old friends and newcomers alike. If any rider decides to drop out or go another direction, let the ride leader know, so that the group is not held up, looking for a missing rider.
If you are interested in becoming a ride leader, please contact Larry Diffie.
For Leaders
Download the Sign-Up Sheet to get the names and the release for folks going on the weekly rides. GEARs Ride Leader Sign-Up Sheet
Regional Rides and Events
For Rides and Events happening all around the Northwest see the our list HERE. If you would like to have your event added to our list email michael@eugenegears.org.