Via LeeAnne from the BTA (I also should have spread the word sooner but there you have it). I’ll be an assistant LCI Coach for this course and hopefully certified to lead Seminars in the future so that we might be able to have one locally.
Road One/Traffic Skills 101 is a prerequisite for this program. There just happens to be one being held in Eugene June 23/24- Register here! There is also one being offered in Bend next week (June 21-23)- Register here.
The Bicycle Transportation Alliance is hosting an League of American Bicyclists (LAB) League Certified Instructor (LCI) Training on July 6-8 and I have done a terrible job telling people about it. There are 5 spots still available in the seminar and I need at least 3 more people to sign up for it to actually happen. Please consider signing someone from your organization up if you would like to have a staffer who can teach the League’s adult education program (Traffic Skills 101)., 503-226-0676 x26
Bicycle Transportation Alliance
618 NW Glisan, Suite 401, Portland, OR 97209