Category: bikeportland

A New Bike Box….Or is it?

One of the countries original bike boxes got it’s start right here in Eugene.  However, if you’ve ridden by it in the past few years it’s easy to see how you might have missed it.  The bike symbols and stop bar paint had long ago worn off, though the “Stop Here on Red” signed remained and compliance by motor vehicle drivers was pretty decent considering.  However, most cyclists when asked about it had no idea it was there or what it was.

Eugene's Bike Box (Pre-Paint Job)
Eugene's Bike Box (Pre-Paint Job)

The main reason for this bike box is different than other boxes installed in other cities. It is meant to aid cyclists in their move from the left side bike lane to the right side bike lane. Between 7th (this intersection) and 6th there are bike lanes on both sides for a short distance but you need to move to the right to continue through past 6th (and on down to the river). Most bike boxes are meant to help in the prevention of “right hooks” and to give cyclists visibility and a slight advanced start.

The great news is that this bike box has been repainted!

The new and "improved" bike box.
The new and "improved" bike box.

The not so great news is that despite encouragement from GEARs and advice from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) it’s not quite up to snuff with other bike boxes in Portland and New York.  It lacks the green paint that other communities have already found effective.  By not painting the box green the city has shown a lack of forward thinking and a vision of creating a safe and comfortable environment for cyclists. Continue reading “A New Bike Box….Or is it?”

Crash on Monday is Fatal

Another cyclist has died on our city streets. Marcellus Tryk, 47, also known as Donald Tryk, was listed in critical condition at RiverBend Hospital on Monday but according to a story by KVAL he died yesterday at the hospital.

I have only found the one news story about it. I have a call into the police department to try to find out more. If anyone has more information please share it with me so we can get the information out.
Here’s the story as reported on KVAL.


**UPDATE- I just got a call from the police department and the investigation is still open and they can’t release many details.
I did find out that the crash occured near 339 W. 17th (just west of Lincoln St- near Cornucopia) and that when responding the officer found no damage to the car or bicycle involved and that there were no witnesses.   Because of that it sounds to me like they are not investigating too much more. Now that he has died that may change but now that one of the most important witnesses is no longer here to tell us what happened I hope that we as a bike community can help to make sure that his case is fully and fairly investigated.  If he was startled by an opening car door then an investigation needs to be done into whether the motorist violated ORS 811.490 which prohibits opening a car door unless it is “reasonably safe to do so.”

Just a few weeks ago a cyclist in Portland filed a lawsuit against a driver for a dooring (information from lawyer Ray Thomas on “dooring” is linked to in the article as well).

Stop-to-Yield Law & Stimulus Funded Bike Bridge

So once again seems to be the place to go even for EUGENE bike news!  Jonathan has a post about Lee Shoemakers opposition to the “Idaho Stop Law” with a copy of the letter Lee sent to the Legislature, there are a lot of comments and some not too flattering towards Eugene, including one from “carfree in pdx” stating

Having lived in Eugene for several years, I would take anything that comes from the city of Eugene with a huge grain of salt. Typical of them is their complete lack of logic…


They do have good bike paths (MUPs), but the cyclability of the city is more due to its small size than because they have their planning and policies in order (they don’t); the fact that people cycle there is more in spite of city policies than because of them.

and this gem from “Coyote”:

But frankly, bicycle advocacy left Eugene with Reagan inauguration. They have been a few bicycle heroes in public life in Eugene, Ruth Bascomb and Peter DeFazio come immediately to mind, and Floyd Prozanski in a lycra sort of way, but most Eugene politicians can’t say the word bicycle without stumbling. Usually they stumble over their Prius.

Granted, I get a little huffy when Portlandites talk down about Eugene but at times I have to agree that things aren’t great right now.  Sure we have some good infrastructure, some great planning staff, and some great energy going on at GEARS (and at the University too) but we do have a long way to go and we do have a big stumbling block with not one City council member who rides a bike or any major city administrators who bike for transportation regularly, and some city staff who still struggle with the idea as bikes as a viable transportation option.    We have some major ground to make up and we need the kind of energy that got the 70’s era infrastructure built but double fold.  We need more infrastructure but we also need more education & encouragement.  Portland is where they are because they have put that investment in.

On that positive note Paul and I went out and toured the site of the new bike bridge that will start construction this summer connecting the Delta Ponds and the River path system with the Willagillespie neighborhood (and the whole North of Eugene).  Besides being a great way for that whole region of Eugene to access the river path system it provides the whole area with a great link over the Delta Highway which currently has poor access at Valley River Drive and Good Pasture Island Road- certainly not bike friendly for families and children!    I also like to think of this bridge as completing the Mall to Mall bikeway system… when this bridge is built you can bike from one big mall to another on mellow neighborhood streets and fly over the traffic on Delta Highway and I-5 on beautiful bridges.

Okay, I’m being a little silly but how about a Movie Tour?  If the movie you wanted to see isn’t playing at the Bijou you can head downtown, see what’s playing at the David Minor theatre, then down to the river path to see what is playing at VRC and if that still doesn’t have it maybe the cheap theatre at Gateway is playing something at the dollar theatre. And the whole trip can be done (mostly) on quiet streets.

Anyway, I think this bridge is going to be a great addition to the bike network system in Eugene. The bridge is getting started a year ahead of schedule thanks to the funding from the Federal stimulus package and though not a lot of bike/ped projects got funding from those federal dollars at least we got some pretty good crumbs.  I’ve posted some Flickr shots of the brief tour if your interested.

And finally on a whole other note I wanted to remind folks to keep an eye on the GEARS “Bicycling in the Greater Eugene Area” calendar for great biking events throughout the area. They are not just GEARS rides and events but great speakers, workshops, classes, and other fun centered around the wonderful bike culture we’re working to nourish in our town. Come join the ride.