This just in- the first section of the Amazon Path, from 30th to 24th is finished!
The City expects the section from 24th to 30th to be finished by the end of next week.

Speaking of paths. Here is an email that was sent out to the GEARs google group but is worth reposting here. Write a letter to City staff regarding access to the Ribbon Trail:
The new Ribbon Trail ( that we wrote about in the last issue of the GEARs Newsletter is already being threatened. After hearing concern from Hendricks Hill Neighbors the City is thinking that they will not allow bikes on the new Ribbon Trail.
So, before this becomes reality, lets write to Phillip Richardson <> and Neil Bjorklund <> and
And let them know about your sense of the value of this trail as a bicycle connection that really works.
Dear Phillip Richardson,
I want to share with you my sense of the importance of allowing bicycle use on the new Ribbon Trail.
The Ribbon Trail is a key connection in getting safely up and over the hill toward LCC on my bike. As a father of 4 young kids that searches out places where riding is safe from faster car traffic, I feel that the Ribbon Trail makes a valuable connection from one part of town to another. One that is both fun and safe.
To limit this trail to pedestrians only would be making a big mistake, truly making it more difficult for families and students to choose to travel by human power. In this time, we need to be making changes the other way – always looking to make the choice easier to go by bike….